Xûr's Exotic Items for April 26, 2024

Exotic Weapons

exotic-warlock exotic-warlock-perk

Shrapnel Launcher

Lord of Wolves


By this right alone do I rule.

Weapon Perks
Shrapnel Launcher
Chambered Compensator
Extended Mag
Release the Wolves
Composite Stock

Lord of Wolves

"Why did they call themselves Wolves?" the Hunter asks. "You guys don't have any wolves on your home world, do you?"

"Nama," the Captain replies. He has perched on a rusted-out Skiff. He scans the horizon, trying to remember the way to the crypt.

"So... Why, then? Most people haven't even seen one."

"Yeah," the Warlock chimes in. "I'd never even heard of wolves 'til I went to the Iron Temple."

The Captain cocks his head in a way that makes him look very like a squat, hulking owl. "Why Eliksni accept name 'Fallen'? Why Wolves accept name 'Wolves'? Why Misraaks is now," he grimaces as he mimes their accents, showing his serrated teeth, "Miff-racks?" He rises in one fluid motion and stands at his full height. "Why speak Guardian way instead Eliksni? Docked things do not word themselves."

He hops down, brushing past the Hunter and the Warlock with the rippling strength of a hunting tiger. "House of Wolves, they been Mraskilaasan. Gentle weavers. Come. I know the way now."

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Paracausal Shot


Hand Cannon

Stalk thy prey and let loose thy talons upon the Darkness.

Weapon Perks
Paracausal Shot
Hammer-Forged Rifling
Alloy Magazine
Combat Grip


What is this feeling?

I did not ask for it. I do not understand it. I do not want it.

The Crow is so carefree in his ignorance. The bonfire's glow lights up his pale features and I am drawn to the hope in his gold eyes. Where is the despairing child I anticipated?

He drinks from an open bottle of wine against the recommendation of his Ghost. The Guardian encourages him and they are laughing. This celebration is maddening; neither have reason to be so jubilant. Their world is ending and they thrash like dying creatures in the final light of collapsing stars. They do not seem to acknowledge the futility of their existence, the impermanence of it in the face of cosmic annihilation.

Now the Guardian is drinking, standing close to the fire. Their Ghost, too, encourages them not to partake. They poison themselves for the enjoyment of it.

I am reminded of my sisters. Of moments spent by lapping shores, gazing up at infinite stars full of possibilities and wonder. I am left yearning.

What is this feeling?

I do not understand it. I do not want it.

They are celebrating their victory over the Taken. The Crow is making a gun shape with his hand, swinging the nearly empty bottle of wine around in the other like a Sword. The Guardian looks pensive, sitting on a rock by the fire, contemplating the secret they are keeping. The Crow notices, but tries not to show it. He wants the Guardian's spirits to be lifted. He wants to be supportive, so that they may share in their triumphs together.

As equals.

I am reminded of my home. I am reminded of the warmth of the sun and the embrace of my family. I am reminded of my father's face. I am reminded of everyone I betrayed. All the blood spilled in the name of immortality. The warmth of the sun burns me with its memory.

What is this feeling?

I do not want it.

The fire has nearly died. The Crow fell over and cannot stand, though he insists he is fine. The Guardian is turning the embers with the tip of their Sword. The Ghosts are talking to one another in quiet conspiracy. The celebration has ended, but I can sense their emotions are mixed: complex and myriad things, when a simple, singular focus would suffice.

There is a growing kinship here. Against better judgment.

What is this feeling?

Exotic Armors

Warlock Exotic

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Cobra Totemic

Ophidian Aspect


"Have I the aspic in my lips?"
Statistic Roll
Armor Mobility Rating 15
Armor Resilience Rating 6
Armor Recovery Rating 11
Armor Discipline Rating 17
Armor Intellect Rating 10
Armor Strength Rating 6
Armor Total 65

Ophidian Aspect

A torn and crumpled journal page, found on the street in the City:

 — not his lessons I remember so much as the words we exchanged in passing. I recall a trivial argument we had over some tale from the Golden Age. It might have been a love story, or a tragedy.

A proud queen, forsaken by a lover obsessed with his past heroism, chooses to preserve her dignity in death rather than endure humiliation.

He brought it up as an example of why we should not fear death, but even as he spoke, I thought to myself: what about those who looked to her to rule? Those whose lives depended on her own?

Now, looking back, it strikes me that he talked with the arrogance of one who can always return from the Void. One who has contemplated the darkness so long he thinks of it as a friend, of sorts.

Hunter Exotic

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Upgraded Sensor Pack

Knucklehead Radar


You can see the point, right? Who wants to team up with one?
Statistic Roll
Armor Mobility Rating 19
Armor Resilience Rating 11
Armor Recovery Rating 2
Armor Discipline Rating 10
Armor Intellect Rating 6
Armor Strength Rating 16
Armor Total 64

Knucklehead Radar

"If you were rich, what would you do with all your money?"
"Uh... I dunno. Maybe start my own business. Be some kinda bounty hunter."
"What you mean, bounty hunter? We got thousands of Guardians running around, bounty-hunting anything that moves!"
"Nuh-uh! That's all just sport. Them Awoken out in the Reef, I figure they might pay me to hunt folks down. And I got a secret. It's gonna gimme a real leg up on all them Guardians who come to copycat me when they see what a good idea I got."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"This Hunter, she sold me a visor that lets you find all the stupid enemies in a crowd. Called it 'knucklehead radar' or something like that."
"Huh. How's it work?"
"Couldn't tell ya."

Titan Exotic

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Eternal Warrior


Absolute, unflinching resolve.
Statistic Roll
Armor Mobility Rating 6
Armor Resilience Rating 12
Armor Recovery Rating 14
Armor Discipline Rating 2
Armor Intellect Rating 20
Armor Strength Rating 11
Armor Total 65

Eternal Warrior

There is but one great truth in this life:
To live is to fight.

When you are weary with wounds
Heavy with the weight of combat
Think of your ancestors
See the world through their eyes
Everything new and unknown
A shadow world with sharp teeth
and unforgiving intentions

Think of those who came before
Fighting through the endless dark of the unknown
Burning with resolve and strength
Their passion lighting their path

Feel their flame
And know the one great truth

For they were champions
and through your deeds they will live forever

General Exotic Items

Exotic Cipher

A Question

Complete activities in Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit playlists to earn an Exotic Cipher

"The Nine simply wish to learn. I am the instrument, and you are the subject."  — Xûr

You Get Used to Him

There is a strange fellow who… well, perhaps you've seen him. He doesn't really come and go as you or I might traditionally think. It's more that you turn around, and he is either there or he is not. His appearances are steady and predictable, at least. He's called Xûr. I'm not sure why one draws the tiny arrow over his name, but it's important to try and respect the wishes of those we don't understand.

The first time I ever saw Xûr, I was by myself at my stall in the Tower. The Old Tower, I suppose you'd call it now. I hadn't been there long at all. I looked up, and this man had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere! His back was to me, but even from behind, something seemed off about him. Something in his posture. As he started to turn, I noticed his whole face appeared to be covered in hair. It even seemed to be moving, gently flowing on its own—but there was no wind.

When the light hit his face, I screamed and ducked down behind part of my cabinets. I was sure this abomination had come to invade us, that more of them were just out of sight, that we were done for.

Eventually, I realized no one else was screaming. I heard no sounds of distress. I peeked out and saw that everyone was going about their business. No one was panicking but me! Many people saw him—several were interacting with him.

Slowly, I stood back up and tried to go about my business—though I rarely looked away. Tess came over before too long, and I asked her about the strange figure.

"Oh, that's Xûr!" she said, unconcerned. "He comes through every so often and sells particular, hard-to-find things." She considered him for a moment, then added, "Could do with a bit of a wardrobe update, if you ask me, but he's otherwise harmless."

"What is he?" I asked. "I've never seen a creature like that before."

"Xûr is… I believe he's called a Jovian. They're from out beyond even the Reef. I'm afraid I don't know much else about them."

"But they're… friendly?"

"Well, they don't attack us, if that's what you mean. I don't know that I'd call Xûr friendly, but he's not hostile."

I felt more at ease after our conversation, though I still could not shake my fear. For many months, I jumped every time I saw him and had to fight back the instinct to hide.

Eventually, I grew used to his presence. I even began to appreciate his predictability—it became a symbol that everything was functioning as it should. The fear evaporated with time.

I have often found that my first reaction to new things is fear. Perhaps it is this way for everyone. However, I have also found that if I accept and acknowledge my fear, it is easier to push through until I am no longer afraid. The new thing has almost never been as frightening as I first feared.

Exotic Engram

Exotic Engram

An engram with a predestined outcome. Contains a new Exotic if any of the possible rewards remain to be collected.


In ancient times, Earthlings thought there were three states of matter. We now know there to be four: solid, liquid, gas and engram. Of these, the engram is the purest state of matter.

The role of the Cryptarchy is to encrypt and safeguard civilization's informational infrastructure, not to decrypt anything and everything for any lowdown scavenger who happens upon an engram.